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Friday, July 23, 2021

Gear on Patrol


I kinda miss the big autumn war games that went on in Germany during the 80s. Lots of real cool gear all over the place. Phantoms, Harriers, tanks and stuff. Always liked to talk to the soldiers that parked in barns and farms, making the places their command post. Everyone was friendly, despite the seriousness of the cold war and the fact that the threat of war was real. The display of war machinery was always very impressive. And the farmer liked it as they got compensation for all the crops they did not have to harvest after Brad Pitt ploughed it under with Fury. 

No. That is neither a Phantom, nor a Harrier. This was taken in 2017 in Cuxhafen, where there is an absolutely amazing museum dealing with war planes and zeppelins and such. I even got a pin of a Aunt Ju, which goes extra well with a Laco 1925 (made in Germany) Pilot's watch. 

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