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Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Toasting my Way to Stardom


Again? Yes. Every morning. Toast. Like this. Or a variation thereof. Sometimes a bit darker. Most times with cheese. Or jam. Or one with jam and one with cheese. Depends.

According to some sources, like, having a simple routine that addresses certain daily tasks makes one more effective and thus successful.

Nowadays, "if there is no photo, it did not happen" and therefore I post what I toast on social media. And while it is a bit of fun for me, I am surprised about the comments. People ask me, daily, Again? Yes. Every morning. Toast. It makes me wonder what people eat, if this is too boring for them. Maybe ya'll can leave me your one week meal plan in the comments?

Meanwhile, this effectiveness-enhancer has yet to make me a Millionaire... Maybe it really is about T-Shirts and not breakfast?

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