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Tuesday, December 19, 2023

Masking up? Again? Uhm...


It appears that a Covid variant is rather rampant again. We have been asked to use facemasks in order to spread the virus. 

Fine! BUT! Since the pandemic, many (I wish I could confirm all, but I am not malling enough) shopping malls have opted to dismantle their motion sensors for the doors and to use these buttons instead. Yeah, great! Now everyone dashing out of the toilet not washing their hands will fumble around with this. There is no sanitiser in sight, never ever have I seen anyone giving these buttons a wipe. Great news for viruses I guess. I am applying a different tactic: I wait for someone else to manage this so I don't have to touch these petri dishes.

Meanwhile, the hand sanitiser is also a rare appearance at the immigration counters of the airport. There I would have to place my fingers on a scanner to have my finger prints taken. Needless to say that there would at any given time been hundreds of others placing their fingers there....

Here I was, remembering two year's worth of articles telling me not to touch surfaces as that is where the Covid lurks. 

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