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Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Movies to Avoid

Madam Web

What a mess! Ok, it is fiction, but nothing makes sense, it is just a mess. The script is a total disaster and one could not care less for any of the characters. Nothing gets explained. If you asked me why I stay away from Comic adaptations, well, this waste of natural resources is the reason. When they make good stuff like "Blade" or "Spawn" again, holler.  

Extraction 2
Normally, I finish books and movies, no matter how bad they are. This, however, DNF.
The first one was already a bit questionable as I don't think many of the ideas made sense (Like just one guy going to get the kid, how did the baddies know the extraction team is on that boat?), but it was watchable with the help of a few beers. 

Under Paris
Groan. This movie is an example of why some ideas should not be made into movies. 

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