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Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Thought of the Day: Are PR agencies our enemies? We love some of you!

 Contributed by: Juergen Steinmetz, CEO & Publisher, TravelNewsGroup

This morning I received a forwarded message. The content "spoke to me" as I am finding myself in a similar situation. I thought this is a good message that needs to be pushed. The following represents the opinion of the owner. 

Dear Friends of eTurboNews,

I need your cooperation!

For 25 years, eTurboNews has been proud to serve the travel and tourism industry with time-sensitive, relevant news and reports you can only find here. But enough is enough!

eTurboNews content is drastically changing!

This is good news for our readers and bad news for those who push "earned media" to us in the expectation of tricking our hard-working team into publishing free promotional news without us having a chance of being on the earning side.

It's bad news for those pushing mass news items to us, calling our hard-working team "Dear All,"

My promise! We will ignore those sending press releases to us that are already searchable on Google because they are circulated by mass distribution networks such as PR Newswire and other wire services.

Such services are in business to push thousands of news items on the back pages of AP, Yahoo Finance, and other name-brand news publications. Inflated distribution reports for articles they claim were "picked up", will justify the high amount such services charge.

The truth is that most pick-ups are often restricted to non-indexed back pages of news publications no real reader will ever see. We will not have a part in this.

What makes us different?

Our independent state-of-the-art news portals are published in 102 languages and reach more than 2 million followers worldwide, including email updates as news is posted to 180,000 travel and tourism industry professionals and close to 7,000 journalists and bloggers. Social media and push notifications to more than 100,000 web users who are alerted to our articles will increase the expected visibility a million or more times a day. Many articles are included on our vast social media network and chat groups.

What is changing at eTurboNews?

We invite regular readers to contribute unique news tips and trend stories you won't find on wire services or competing publications.

We invite PR Agencies and PR representatives to play ball and cooperate with us!

Please stop pushing "earned media" on us, unless you're prepared to make us part of this earning process.

eTurboNews and our hard-working global team are ready to work with you, promote your services, and treat you and your clients as our partners and friends once you are prepared to do the same and show respect. We will always honor PR agencies' important roles before contacting their clients directly.

PR Agencies and PR representatives: How to partner with us?

·        Sign up for our PR trial subscription before pushing press releases to us - there is a free trial!

·        Utilize our commercial options

·        Become an advertiser

·        Contact us to discuss other options

We love you - but let's become a team here.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Someplace Dark

Some places boast with their 400+ bottles of Whisky. The good folks at DARK specialise in independent bottlings, rare and old Whisky. Although not the biggest range, there is plenty to choose from. One would have to be willing to try and experiment as there is hardly any "regular" bottle on offer. I did not manage to find any of my favorite: Glenfiddich!

Especially liked the "Flight of the Night", a selection of 3 Whiskies to try at a reasonably low price. Considering the nature of the offering, the prices per dram are not surprising, but can be north of 50 EURO. However, there are also a lot of fantastic Whiskies on offer for a much lower price. 

Very knowledgeable staff is on hand to assist in the selection. Highlight of the night:

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Being a Prop

Qingdao is a popular destination for Chinese too. I could not help but insert myself into this group of "aunties" on their day out, taking pictures at the promenade. They played along. I am sure they have a story to tell when they come back home about the foreigner that just sat there with them. 

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Movies to Avoid

Madam Web

What a mess! Ok, it is fiction, but nothing makes sense, it is just a mess. The script is a total disaster and one could not care less for any of the characters. Nothing gets explained. If you asked me why I stay away from Comic adaptations, well, this waste of natural resources is the reason. When they make good stuff like "Blade" or "Spawn" again, holler.  

Extraction 2
Normally, I finish books and movies, no matter how bad they are. This, however, DNF.
The first one was already a bit questionable as I don't think many of the ideas made sense (Like just one guy going to get the kid, how did the baddies know the extraction team is on that boat?), but it was watchable with the help of a few beers. 

Under Paris
Groan. This movie is an example of why some ideas should not be made into movies. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

The Netflix Feature we NEED

House, The Pacific, Mindhunter, Law and Order (In particular) etc all comprise of a bunch of episodes. Once you have seen the intro, you HAVE seen the intro. And it is not adding anything to the next episode if you watch the intro again. The "SKIP INTRO" button is my favorite function.

Should there not be an algorithm that detects that out of 20 seasons with 15 episodes you have now skipped the intro 17 times and it is likely will you do so for the rest of the entire thing? And then just auto-skip them intros? Alternatively, I settle for a setting "When watching a series, only show the intro 2 times".

Sunday, June 16, 2024

I Know a Guy

Ok, so I put down on my profile that a skill I have is "Photography". Sure, I take a lot of pictures for our magazine. Not sure why that makes me an Expert. And why I would want to comment on camera bags, seeing how I am using my phone for all the photography. Something to ponder. 

Monday, June 10, 2024

FINALLY get to do this:


She sells sea shells by the sea shore. The shells she sells are surely sea shells. So if she sells shells on the sea shore, I'm sure she sells seashore shells.

Just a snap of a vendor in Qingdao at the pier. 

Sunday, June 9, 2024


Dual use devices have been somewhat of a discussion point. Remember the VCR+TV? Yeah, if one broke, the other was only half as useful and you couldn't just replace one. All that. 

This week I found this scale... thermometer... Thermoscale / Scaleometer in the hotel room. Thought this was an odd combination. I am sure that we learned in Physics classes that temperature influences weights, but I cannot imagine it having SUCH an impact. Why not weight and humidity?

Saturday, June 8, 2024


Qingdao is known for its beer. They are very proud of it. So much so, that this local beer is about the only duty free allohol one can buy in the Qingdao airport. Those looking for some Whisky would have to fly somewhere first. 

I did not grab any beers from this store. The plastic containers they use to serve like 1 Liter was a little off-putting. Preferably, I get my beer in a branded glass. Nice enough people though we don't speak a shared language other then beer. Off to the beach down the road!

A Michelin Bibbed Experience

We happened to end up in a fully booked restaurant near an exhibition in BITEC and decided to change to another dinner venue. Recommended by others in our group, we headed to Khua Kling Pak Sod which was hailed as offering very tasty Southern Thai food at affordable prices. 

Indeed, the food was superb and the bill did not break the bank. What I liked the most though was that this is an accessible place. We called with 30 minutes notice to reserve a table and it wasn't a problem. Would have gotten frustrating if we had to find a third venue then....

Can recommend? Ya! As you can tell, I am not a food blogger, so this needs to suffice to tell you that it was an experience. 


Friday, June 7, 2024



Inexpensive, but does it work?

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Experienced Differently

Normally, when we go to Kuantan, staying in the Hyatt Residency Kuantan we drop off the luggage, head straight back out to explore the town. This time though, we just staid within the premises and made full use of the facilities. It felt different.

Lounging at the pool, sipping drinks in the beach bar at night, eating in, and spending more time in the room was a whole new experience of the hotel. Somehow, we must have missed this all the times when we were there before. Getting enough sleep, resting and recuperating was the motto of this stay and boy, were we rested and recuperated. 

We got lucky as we went at a time when there wasn't much happening at the hotel. As it wasn't advertised properly, we missed the weekend BBQ! Next time then I guess. Glad I took the Zilla along though for some nonsense photos. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Good Vibes

Although severely delayed, our Asian Trucker Thailand team made it to the MCVE 2024. Glad we could catch up and bounce around some ideas. 

Every time they are in town, the favorite food is "Crabs". This time, the crew went to Fatty Crab. Fatty Crab is known for their saucy crab. A must try, however, we keep wondering why our colleagues would always want crab. It is not like they don't have any in Thailand, is it?

Re-discovering Beijing


It was in 1998 when I visited Beijing for the first time. Back then, you had a dome of smok over the city. Beijing was polluted, yet full of bicycles. A huge influx of people from the provinces let the city grow rapidly as those were looking for their personal fortune in the capital. It was messy. There were no sidewalks to talk of. These paths, lined with carts where people sold foods (one wouldn't want to try). To get some decent cheese was a drama. We remember Marcel trying to bring 20 Kg of fresh cheeses into the country!

At that time, there were fewer cars, hardly any public transport one could navigate and overall, it was a dirty place as people just littered everywhere. Fascinating artifacts and sights though, such as the Great Wall of China, the Summer Palace and the Forbidden City. 

Cut to today: Beijing is CLEAN. There wasn't any rubbish I could see strewn around. Clear blue skies (maybe just lucky, but this stood out). Great service in the hotel I stayed. The bicycles have been replaced by cars and buses. It is less chaotic as people now move using the underground. Overall, the city seems to be much more organised. Food options have expanded into offerings that could be called "Western". Meanwhile, everyone is zipping around on electric scooters. Buses and many of the cars are electric, which could explain the cleaner air. 

Would have liked to explore the local restaurant scene, however the schedule did not permit that. Sadly, the Hard Rock Cafe, last visited in 1998, had been shut following some scandal involving staff not getting paid. 

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Regional Trucking Hivemind


The month of May has been extremely busy with events and travel. First, there was MCVE 2024, which took up a full week in the beginning of the month, then a few days at the Busworld Southeast Asia in Jakarta, a hop over to Bangkok for Agritechnica and finally, a few days in China with a truck and bus manufacturer. In each of these instances I have met a whole lot of new people from all walks of life. Also, what I thought is interesting is that immediately, the topics we discussed in all four countries were the same.

That the themes of the conversations were identical could maybe explained somewhat by the fact that everyone I met had something to do with the transport industry. In various roles though, but the unifying factor was the affiliation to the business of moving goods (and/ or people). I guess this would make it a safe topic, but also one where there is a lot of shared knowledge and opinions. Each of the people I have met had an immense knowledge of the industry. Through years of working in or with the industry, a lot of know-how and forward thinking has been developed. Just like the saying goes that one doesn’t pay for a five-minute job, but for the years it to took to do the job that fast, there is an immense treasure of knowledge we could tap into.

One subject that came up repeatedly (and more frequently in recent times) is the push for electrification. Here, the wealth of experience immediately turned into practical and pragmatic suggestions that were obvious to some, but maybe needed saying. In particular, within the discussion about Battery Electric Vehicles, time and time again, it was the same blunt statement: this will only work if there is enough charging infrastructure. I think we all know that, but it has to be said out loud for everyone to hear and register. The idea of selling electric vehicles is great and we can see a lot of support for it. However, we don’t see the same amount of ambition when it comes to the development of the much-needed support framework. No long studies needed; no research required. Just ask those in the business.

What was amazing is that the same consensus was reached in all four places without anyone knowing those in the other countries or having heard their views. How is it that we all come to the same conclusions, despite being in different markets with varying circumstances? It is kind of a deja-vu when a variation of a conversation leading to an identical conclusion happens. And now, the questions beckons, how do we harness the power of this regional hive mind? Accessing this shared and common knowledge would surely give an entire region an edge when it comes solving our transportation problems. Oftentimes, one would find the simplest and most elegant solution when asking those that are immediately concerned. While a research project can unearth issues and find answers, isn’t it the person directly affected perhaps better suited to give a pragmatic answer? Governments could surely benefit from tapping into this potential. While we are trying to solve issues in seminars, conferences and case studies, maybe there is a one-sentence answer available.

Across the region, millions of people are involved in the transportation business. They generate what I would want to call Big Data of Transportation. There must be a way to harness the power of all that experience, all the thoughts and knowledges, so that we do not have to reinvent wheels and find answers to our daily transport problems. To some extent, truck OEMs already harvest data through Fleet Management Systems, but I would want to see this being taken further. Across brands and beyond analysis of driver behaviour. Imagine what could be achieved if every trucker, transporter, workshop owner and technician, the many people dealing directly and indirectly with this industry contributed to a transport hivemind. A super-charged association that enables us to pass on knowledge and synthesis clever solutions.

Maybe AI is the answer. However, having tried one, the one thing I know is that an AI needs to be fed with information. I ask questions. I want to know if the answer to our issues in Malaysia may lie in an idea by a transporter from Jakarta. If nothing else, among the industry players, no matter what size, there is a tremendous amount of knowledge. We should not let that go to waste, but put to use in a way that benefits the entire industry. My guess is that right now, someone in the region is thinking about how to utilise the knowledge of fellow transporters in a different country to solve a local problem.

Do I want an E-Bike?

It has been a long time since I have had the pleasure of riding a motorbike. That itch is still there and whenever some Ducati overtakes me on the highway (remember, I am driving like Miss Daisy) I feel like I need to rent one for the weekend. 

Although I would want a bike with a combustion engine for the sound and the vibrations, I have to admit that these E-Bikes start to look sexy. This one was on display at INAPA in Jakarta last month. They had a few such drastic looking things on their booth. 

Not sure this would look credible if one put a beer-gutted, long-haired biker in a leather vest on it though. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

MCVE 2024: Sixth-Time Success

The Malaysian Commercial Vehicle Expo 2024 (MCVE 2024), the region’s largest commercial vehicle exhibition and organised by Asian Trucker, was staged at the Mines International Exhibition and Convention Centre from May 9th to 11th, 2024.

First held in 2013, this premier industry event was officially opened by YB Loke Siew Fook, the Malaysian Minister of Transport. At the opening on the first day, Mr Stefan Pertz, Editor in Chief for Asian Trucker and Asian Buses, welcomed the Minister, exhibitors, and guests to the sixth occurrence of MCVE, saying that as organisers, the exhibition has always prided itself on being a platform to showcase the latest developments in the commercial vehicle realm, especially the growing transition to electric vehicles.

The Minister noted that the pandemic accelerated the adoption of digitisation across all sectors. He added, “The transport industry has adopted remarkably well. Together, we are now re-emerging with renewed vigour. Among the Ministry’s focus has been dealing with digitalisation and electrification.”

Some of the other initiatives the Minister referred to were the Commercial Vehicle Licensing System (iSPKP) to provide an end-to-end online licensing platform and the implementation of the Malaysian Single Window (MMSW) to improve port efficiency. He has also taken note of the industry concerns about the shortage of drivers and that the Ministry has introduced MyLesen to subsidise the training and licensing of lorry drivers.

The Minister also spoke of a strong transport sector to support the government’s initiatives to attract foreign investment to Malaysia. He mentioned that the ability to do this was dependent upon how well the transportation sector works, and that, industry players attracted to MCVE 2024, were the ones who keep the economy moving and are essential to the growth of the nation.

MCVE 2024 was a huge success as it attracted more exhibitors and guests over its three-day duration compared to the previous event held during the pandemic. Several brands have been part of MCVE since its inception in 2013 and serve as a testament to the quality and reach of the exhibition.

Golden Contributions
As Gold Sponsor, MAN Truck and Bus Malaysia introduced the MAN TGV Van, a versatile daily transport solution. The soon-to-be launched van is already one of Europe’s best-selling vans. Andrew O’Brooks, MAN Malaysia Managing Director was delighted that the company could present the full range of MAN low-emission commercial vehicles for the first time in the country.

PETRONAS Lubricants International, the exhibition’s official Lubricant Partner, showcased the company’s Fluid Technology Solutions in the commercial and industrial sectors. These products included PETRONAS Urania, PETRONAS Tutela, PETRONAS Iona, and PETRONAS Industrial Solutions brands. They also showcased PETRONAS SmartPay, the company’s fleet management solution.

Networking Opportunity
Mr Frank Märgner, the Singapore-based Sales Director with Hengst Asia Pacific Pte Ltd, which sponsored the highly successful networking night during MCVE 2024, was happy to attend the exhibition to meet up with its existing and valued clients. “As the smart alternative in filtration, Hengst needed to be here as it provided a platform for us to explain what we do to those who know us, as well as those who are new to our range of products that showcase the best in German technology. We also have an educational role to explain the difference between and how to identify, good and bad filters. Especially after COVID-19, we have seen an influx of cheap filters and copies, and the results of using such filters are often not clear to users. Saving a few dollars on cheap filters doesn’t make sense for owners of expensive fleets,” he commented. Märgner was very appreciative too that the Hengst stand featured a MAN truck, as it was most eye-catching and attracted clients in their direction. He also remarked that Hengst was keen to continue its support for MCVE and wanted to see the event expand. “While we had hoped that more fleet owners would have joined our networking night, we were delighted with the response as well as the general attendance at our stand,” he concluded.

Meeting Expectations
Mr Jason S.Y. Han, Managing Director of Lubetrans Sdn Bhd, claims that MCVE 2024 was as expected and that it was good to connect with existing clients and to meet some new potential business. “While we were cautiously optimistic about the event, it met our expectations,” he commented. He added, “Due to various reasons, the global economy is a little slow, so we expected the expo to match this as geopolitical problems are affecting things worldwide.” The event was a success for Lubetrans, and while many of the expo connections were with existing clients, Han maintained that the company needed to be present to let its clients know that it is still offering its services to its valued customers. However, Han remains optimistic about the future and looks forward to a presence at the next commercial vehicle exhibition.

Meanwhile, Hammar Maskin Sdn Bhd showcased its Swedish-branded sideloaders for its fifth consecutive MCVE. Justin Liew, Head of Sales, said, “This year saw a good representation of targeted visitors, especially on the first two days. We made a lot of contacts, plus some ten new contacts, which we will follow up on. Overall, MCVE 2024 was very good and very successful for Hammar.”

Frank Märgner from Hengst Asia Pacific summed up the sentiment of many exhibitors when he said that he wanted to see the show expand. “We need to be here to support our existing clients while coming into contact with others who present potential business to Hengst,” he concluded.

Sunday, June 2, 2024

Tsingtao Brewery Tour

Qingdao really took my by surprise. The city used to be part of the German colonies and one can see it in the architecture. No wonder it is called "Germantown". "A" highlight of the tour was a visit to the Tsingdao Brewery MuseumTsingdao Brewery Museum. As it goes with all such tours, the beer at the end of it will have to be earned by learning all about the history of the place and their beer. 

The brewery museum is situated in the heart of the city, right opposite the "Pedestrian Beer Mile". Party Central you may call it. The tour itself is educational and it is remarkable how much effort was invested into keeping things in order. For the occasion, I put on my "Heart of Darkness Brewery Shirt". We were given freshly brewed beers, which was not yet filtered and had to, therefore, be consumed within 8 hours. Happy to oblige. 

The store at the end of the tour is huge and offers a lot of merchandise. Something for everyone from stuffed toys to mugs and special edition beers. The last stop is a beer hall, modelled after the basement establishments found in Munich. VERY happening and the joy people felt was palpable. Considering that we went on a Wednesday afternoon, the place was hopping. 

Worth a visit. With the danger of just getting stuck in that beer hall for the afternoon if there is no other agenda item afterwards. 

Saturday, June 1, 2024

Save the Trees in Malaysian Cities


(Not my Picture. Happy to take it down if requested)

There have been a few tragic accidents recently where people got hurt / killed by falling trees that were uprooted in storms. So the Dewan Bandarayas (City Councils) are now going around, chopping down "dangerous trees" all across Malaysia.
Ok, sure, public safety and all, but what about the preservation of plant live? Could this not be done with a bit more finesse? Like plan it properly and use a tree spade?
Maybe not all the trees might take roots in a new location, but I think it would be worth a try to preserve the oxygen generators.

Marvelous May Ends

I must admit, it might have been a little too much. And now I am suffering from it. When the year started, we wanted to go a little slower. The expo, early May, would have been hectic and a lot of long hours. Then someone asked if I could go to Jakarta to cover the Busworld Asia. Sure. Can. Although it was just one day rest between dismantling MCVE and hopping to Indonesia. Of course, I could not get enough and agreed to going to Bangkok right after Busworld to cover the Agritechnica. From there, with just 8 hours in Malaysia, I went off to Beijing for a couple of days. Lots of stories to tell. 

Total at home in May: 4 days. Guess my electricity bill will be VERY small this time.