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Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Same Same all over the World

There are some things that are the same, no matter where you are in the world. Here some expamles from my observation:

- Sundays bring out the worst car-drivers. Better stay off the road
- Mondays in the Gym: Everyone working out chest and biceps
- During Christmas people go absolutely nuts: Forced spending + false friendliness

Besides, McD seems to have a new strategy. Fast food now turning "Long Order"...
Ten years ago: you order a Burger, the guy behind the counter gave it you and tells you how much.

Me: One Cheeseburger please. Only the burger, nothing but the burger!
They: You want the meal?
Me: NO! Just a cheesburger.
They: You want fries?
Me: No, please just the burger.
They: Having here, or to go (Yes, I want the burger "to Go" not "take away")
Me: For here please
They: Any drinks with that?
They: ok, how about a apple pie with that, is on offer!
Me: No, please just give me the burger
They: Ok, that will be XX dollar. Would you like to pay cash or credit card. If you pay by UOX card you get a free drink.
Me: Thanks, I will pay cash and I don't want the drink - Just the burger...!!!!

Bon Appetit!

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